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Tim and Brenda Moore have served God faithfully as pastor and wife for more than 35 years. For 12 years, these two faithful servants served in youth and family ministries in churches in Minnesota and Michigan before Tim took a position as lead pastor of LeClaire Baptist Church in LeClaire, Iowa, a position he held for 17 years. Since 2017, they have been lead pastor and wife of Faith Baptist Church in Mason City, Iowa. In addition to his role as lead pastor, Tim has served as a trustee at Iowa Regular Baptist Camp, on the Iowa Association of Regular Baptist Churches’ Council of 10, and on the national GARBC Council of 18. Brenda has served alongside her husband in music, teaching, and counseling ministries.

Tim and Brenda are both native Iowans with Ankeny ties. Tim grew up here, and Brenda lived in Ankeny until her family moved to Decorah, Iowa, when she was nine years old. Both enrolled at Faith Baptist Bible College in the early 1980s, and they married in 1986. They have four adult children—Kelly, Kayla, Ryan, and Kyle—and three granddaughters.

Tim grew up in an unbelieving home and was unsaved well into his teenage years. In 1982, he attended Senior High Camp at Iowa Regular Baptist Camp. That week, God used Romans 5:8 to confront Tim with his need for a Savior as well as to comfort him with the offer of God’s unconditional love. At age 17, Tim trusted Christ for his salvation. After a year at Des Moines Area Community College, he transferred to Faith to pursue a degree in elementary education. After serving on a summer ministry team, however, Tim recognized God was leading him into pastoral ministry.

Brenda enrolled in the music program at Faith simply out of a love for music. As she studied, she was impressed not only by her professors’ musical knowledge and proficiency but also by their infectious love for God. These experiences were truly instrumental in preparing Brenda to serve alongside Tim in ministry. “When Tim and I got engaged,” she said recently, “I thought I was marrying a future teacher. When he felt God calling him to be a pastor, I was excited to follow him into that ministry.”

More than 35 years later, the Moores have seen their share of ups and downs in ministry. What has enabled them to remain faithful is being mindful of God’s sovereign hand. The doctrine of His sovereignty keeps them from despair during seasons of trial and from overconfidence during seasons of blessing.

When reflecting on the most significant lesson he and his wife have learned in their decades of ministry, Tim said, “God is always faithful.” That is true, and today we celebrate our faithful God and His use of these faithful servants.

Thank you, Tim and Brenda Moore, for serving the Lord faithfully for over three-and-a-half decades in local church ministry. We honor you today for your faithful service. Your ministry exemplifies the motto of Faith: “With the Word to the World.”

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