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Beginning August 2020 and into the spring semester of 2021, Faith Baptist Bible College is adding 20 new courses to its online programming and expanding its online degree options. With the expansion of the online program, students can earn a Biblical Worldview Certificate, or an Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies, entirely online, in the span of one or two years. Online courses are available to students as early as the eleventh grade.

The expansion of Faith’s online programming is the second phase of a strategic initiative to make all of Faith’s undergraduate and seminary courses available online by 2022.

New courses available for the 2020 fall semester include Introduction to Communication, Western Civilization I, United States History, Introduction to Philosophy, The Family, Non-Christian Religions, Community Outreach, Baptist History and Beliefs, and Bible Doctrine I and III. New online courses for the 2021 spring semester include Western Civilization II, Introduction to Literature, Contemporary Ethics, Introduction to Psychology and Counseling, Cultural Anthropology, Current Issues in Missiology, Biblical Philosophy of Music, Christian Experience, and Bible Doctrine II and IV.

Get the high-quality, Bible-based education that Faith is known for right at your fingertips, and at a reduced price! Credits earned can be applied toward a four-year degree, so current high school students can save themselves a significant amount of time and money by the time they enroll as freshmen at Faith by starting now. Enrollment for the fall 2020 semester begins in March. Watch our Facebook page or website for future details!

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