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Dr. Jim Tillotson provided a video update today (Wednesday, May 20, 2020) for new and returning students on Faith’s plan to return-to-learn on campus this fall.

Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary plans to return to on-campus learning as originally scheduled for the fall semester. The first day of classes is Monday, August 24. New students are scheduled to arrive for Orientation on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, with returning students’ registration on Friday, August 21.  Commencement will be held Saturday, August 22, at 10:30 a.m. A complete schedule of Orientation Weekend can be found here.

Campus staff and faculty have been busy making preparations for the return of students to campus this fall. Faith will be hiring additional cleaners for each dorm to sanitize commons areas and frequently touched surfaces. Dorm rooms will be set up to be socially-distanced, as will the dining hall and classrooms, and thermal imaging temperature scanners have been purchased to easily monitor signs and symptoms of COVID-19.

Faith also understands the financial pressures that many of our students and their families are facing. Because of that, we have lowered the reservation deposit amount for freshmen to $100 and the academic down payment for freshmen from $1,500 to $1,000. For sophomores through seniors, the academic down payment has been reduced from $1,000 to $700. Faith refunded room and board for the last seven weeks of the 2020 spring semester, and all eligible Pell students will be receiving an extra refund in the coming weeks.

Restrictions in Iowa have lifted considerably. Today, Governor Reynolds announced the reopening of zoos, swimming pools, museums, and wedding reception venues, and gave the green light to the high school summer sports activities of baseball and softball. We are now accepting campus visitors and would love to show prospective students and families the great things that are happening at Faith, and why Ankeny continues to be one of the fastest-growing cities in America.

Schedule your visit today at



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