High school juniors and seniors can earn college credit and learn about human body systems, energy and nutrition, and the origins of life—all from a Bible-based, apologetics viewpoint, and all without leaving their house—with Faith’s Biological Science course online this fall.
Biological Science is one of six courses that are offered online for the fall semester at Faith for high school students. Other courses include United States History, English Composition I, Music Appreciation, Old Testament Survey, and Introduction to Bible Study. Students can begin taking online courses during the fall of their junior year. Dual credit (high school and college credit) is also available to juniors and seniors who are homeschooled or enrolled in Christian schools.
Most online courses are self-paced, include video recordings and readings, and feature online discussion platforms that do not require set log-in times. Students can earn the equivalent of one full semester of college credit before they even graduate high school by taking a combination of online and summer Jump Start courses at Faith if they follow the detailed schedule found here.
Fall registration deadlines are rapidly approaching! Find out more information and sign up for an online course at Faith by visiting this link by August 15.