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Doctor of Ministry

Degree Overview

Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.)


Average Completion Time
4-5 Years


Related Degrees

  • Master of Arts in Biblical Studies, M.A.
  • Master of Arts in Practical Theology, M.A.

Available D.Min. Tracks

  • Expository Preaching
  • Shepherding and Discipleship

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You Might Like This Program If...

  • You want to take some or all of your credits online
  • You want to enhance your discipleship skills
  • You want to grow in spiritual maturity and professional ethics

Curriculum Overview

  • Hermeneutics and Homiletics
  • Contemporary Theological Issues
  • Track Specific Courses (Shepherding and Discipleship or Expository Preaching)
  • Extended Ministry Project

Meet the Faculty

Dr. Daniel Brown

Director of the D.Min. Program; Director of M.A. in Practical Theology

Dr. Douglas Brown

Dr. Douglas Brown

Seminary Dean; Director of Master of Divinity Program

Dr. Paul Hartog

Director of Master of Arts in Religion; Director of M.A. in Theological Studies; Bible, Theology, Humanities

Dr. Keith Kobelia

Chair, Biblical Studies Program

Dr. Dean Taylor

Chair, Division of Christian Ministries; Chair, Pastoral Studies Department

Admission Requirements

As a terminal ministry degree, there are several stringent requirements in place to join the program.

Master’s Degree

The Doctor of Ministry program is intended for persons who have completed a Master of Divinity (or its educational equivalent). Applicants with a Master of Arts and a minimum of 60 master level credits may apply for consideration for entrance into the program. Applicants must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher for their master’s academic training.

Academically, we expect D.Min. applicants to have M.Div.-level competencies in five basic areas: biblical languages (Greek and/or Hebrew), biblical studies, systematic theology, historical theology, and practical theology. If a D.Min. applicant falls short of these academic competencies, the Doctor of Ministry Admissions Committee may admit the application conditional upon completion of further masters-level course work.

Ministry Experience

The Doctor of Ministry program is intended for those who have engaged in substantial ministerial leadership. Applicants must have a minimum of three years’ experience and must currently be serving in a ministry context.

Church Approval and Recommendation

Doctor of Ministry applicants must provide adequate approval and consent from their current ministry.

Attending FBBC was helpful in preparing me for life. It helped build on and solidify my Biblical and Theological foundation, while helping me see the importance of serving alongside others in the local church. Currently my family and I are members at Holmes Baptist Church, outside of Clarion, Iowa, where we are involved in several areas of ministry. I also made many great friendships while attending FBBC. These friends have continued to challenge me, and I am very grateful for ways they have invested in my life for eternity.

Seth BeanState Trooper, Iowa State Patrol, Class of 2012
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