Pastoral Studie, B.S. or B.A.
Average Completion Time
4 years
On-campus classes
Related Degrees
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Pastoral Studie, B.S. or B.A.
Average Completion Time
4 years
On-campus classes
Related Degrees
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Faith Baptist Bible College has been graduating pastors for almost 100 years! At Christian universities, this is just another program. At Faith, it is the primary reason we exist. All Pastoral Studies professors have real, full-time pastoral experience, are current in their field, and are passionate about preparing you to effectively reach this culture for Christ. We have a vast network of churches all around the world that would love to have you as an intern, and eventually as a pastor on their staff.
The major in Pastoral Studies is structured to provide the best in either preparatory or comprehensive training for the pastoral and preaching ministry. To answer the call of God and fulfill the office of pastor or assistant pastor, a man must obtain sound training. For faithful study and service, there is “a crown of glory that does not fade away.” (I Peter 5:4)
Previously called the Pastoral Training Program, the newly developed Pastoral Studies Program is designed to prepare future pastors for key areas of church ministry. In the past, students in the pastoral program had to choose between being an assistant pastor or a pastor. In the new program, every student will be a pastoral studies major and will choose an emphasis in a category that best fits their interests and desired career path.
Here is our expanded list of emphases:
About the Course
Something that sets Faith apart from other schools is the real-world ministry experience of our faculty. Dr. Dean Taylor is the head of our department and has 25 years of ministry experience to teach from in his Pastoral Theology class. It is a campus favorite!
Faith goes beyond book knowledge and dives into teaching you how to learn on your own.
Patrick AshcraftProgram Director, Camp Bayouc (New York), Class of 2019