Master of Arts in Theological Studies
This degree has been designed so that the person who has a basic grasp of Bible doctrine may build on that foundation and gain a greater understanding of and appreciation for the greatness of God and His revelation to people. This program examines theology from the viewpoints of what the Bible teaches, a doctrine’s historical development, the various denominational formulations of that doctrine, and the different emphases and viewpoints currently held. The student may choose to emphasize Systematic Theology or Christian Thought.
You Might Like This Program If…
- You want a better understanding of our theological heritage
- You desire to better understand major theological doctrines
- You want to create a stronger doctrinal conviction
Curriculum Overview
- Introduction to Biblical Exegesis
- Old Testament and New Testament Seminar
- Theology Seminar
Seminary Overview
Master of Arts in Theological Studies (M.A.)
Average Completion Time:
1 Year
Online or Residential
Available Emphases
- Christian Thought
- Systematic Theology
Meet the Faculty
Admission Requirements
A minimum of 30 semester hours of Bible and theology at the undergraduate level, or their equivalent, is required before admission will be granted to the M.A. in Theological Studies program. A grade point average of 3.0 or higher is expected in one’s undergraduate work. Students are permitted to transfer a maximum of 12 acceptable graduate credits into this program.