Featured Graduate

Laura Sturgis

Year of Graduation: 2018

Job Title: Operating Room Nurse

Favorite Class: Intro to Psychology and Counseling

Favorite Thing about Faith: “I think one of my most favorite parts was the atmosphere and friendships I gained. It was so cool to be surrounded by other Christians my age looking to be trained for life and ministry.”

How Faith Prepared Me: “Faith equipped me with many tools for daily life as a believer in a postmodern world interacting with unbelievers. I’ve even randomly had a conversation with a coworker about history and philosophy of Christian missions (thanks, Dr. Lounsbrough!). One of Faith’s big phrases is “For life and ministry.” That is the role my Faith education has played for me. It has helped prepare me for life, to be a believer who thinks, who cares about people, and who loves the Lord.”

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