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“For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
–1 Samuel 16:7

As a full-time hairstylist in Edmonton, Alberta, Faith graduate Lindsey Woodcox (’17) loves to help make people look beautiful.  While she enjoys fostering beauty on the outside, she works equally as hard to foster the inner-beauty of her clients as well.  In a society where physical beauty is celebrated and promoted much more than spiritual beauty, Lindsey Woodcox is a light in a dark world.

“I find a great sense of satisfaction in making people feel beautiful,” said Lindsey.  “I have the unique privilege of being able to interact with people on a consistent basis, with the opportunity to build a relationship and offer counsel.”

Lindsey is confident and comfortable in counseling mostly due to her experiences at Faith Baptist Bible College.  Lindsey was the first student to ever graduate from Faith’s One Year Biblical World View program in the spring of 2017.  Initially, she had only planned to spend a semester at Faith.

“I am very thankful I was able to get the one-year certificate at Faith.  I was able to take a handful of counseling classes, which were some of my favorite classes to be in,” said Lindsey.  “The time I spent at Faith was very instrumental in my life.  God used it in so many ways that I don’t think I could list them all.  I think the overarching theme of what I learned through classes, chapel preaching, relationships, and class assignments is that God wants a relationship with me.”

During her short time at Faith, Lindsey developed Godly relationships and cherishes the impact that those friendships had in her life.  While on campus she was able to use her hairstyling talent to get to know other girls at Faith by cutting their hair.  At her current church, she continues to develop the same kinds of relationships as a sponsor in her youth group, and she can often be seen with teenage girls from her church at local coffee shops in the Sherwood Park area of Edmonton—an area of the world that she refers to as spiritually dark.

“I would say that great financial prosperity in this area has caused many to feel as though they do not need God,” said Lindsey.  “God used people and His Word (at Faith) to show me that life is about Him, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.  It is a daily battle to remember that life is about God.”

Lindsey isn’t sure what the Lord’s plans are for her long-term.  She hopes to buy a house soon and intends to continue using the talents God has given her in making people beautiful—inside and out.

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