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(The following is an excerpt from the November 1973 Faith Witness)

“The 17th annual Missionary Conference began with a memorable unveiling. Dr. John L. Patten, professor and former president of the college, drew aside a striped covering to reveal a beautiful carving of the school seal.

Dr. Patten’s remarks traced the origin and selection of the motto, ‘With the Word to the World.’ The wording was suggested by Miss Bernice Inman while she was an instructor in missions. Hebrews 4:12 and Matthew 28:19 were chosen by Mr. Charles Bergerson as the Scriptural foundation of the slogan. Mr. Michael Doonan added the motto across the open Bible on the old emblem and updated the name to Faith to finalize the current design.

Dr. Bernard Bancroft, Missions Department chairman, triggered the making of the seal by contacting the carver of a similar one at Baptist Bible College in Pennsylvania. The craftsman responsible for the intricate piece of work is Mr. Clarence Webster of North Boston, New York. His reputation has spread worldwide since his carvings have been requested by colleges, seminaries, churches, mission boards, clubs, camps, etc., in 34 states and 14 foreign countries.”


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