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The COVID-19 Task Force met this week to make final adjustments to our plan for a safe return to campus. Here are a few of the highlights, subject to revision on a moment’s notice as the virus changes or as government dictates:

  • Commencement activities remain as scheduled for Saturday, August 22. Due to social distancing requirements, seating will be very limited. More details to come.
  • Classes resume on August 24.
  • Face coverings will be optional. The school respects those who choose to wear a mask, but students and visitors will not be required to wear face coverings on campus.
  • The dining hall will be arranged to meet current social distancing guidelines for the state of Iowa. Plexiglass is being installed on all buffet lines, and students will be required to use hand sanitizer each time they go through the line. “To-Go” meals will also be available for students who choose to use that option.
  • Athletics events remain on schedule. Fans will be allowed, following guidelines that will be published at a later date.
  • Fall campus events will continue as scheduled with modifications being made as necessary.

We will be announcing more details next Friday, July 31, with the launch of a new webpage. Watch for those on the website and our Facebook page @faithbaptistbiblecollege.



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