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Faith Announces New ESL Certificate/Endorsement

By July 10, 2019No Comments

ANKENY, Iowa—Faith Baptist Bible College is excited to announce a new English as a Second Language Program, beginning this fall. The ESL Program includes two different tracks: ESL K-12 Endorsement or ESL Certificate. Registration is now open for both of these tracks. All new ESL courses are available online with other required courses currently available on-campus. This program is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

ESL K-12 Endorsement

Education students and K-12 educators are invited to complete an additional 19 credit hours of coursework to earn Iowa’s K-12 Endorsement. This addition to an Iowa teaching license provides further opportunities for teaching and engaging English language learners (ELLs) in a K-12 environment. Learn how languages are acquired, gain a deeper understanding of the English language, and practice methods of teaching ELLs. Courses include Second Language Acquisition, Cultural Anthropology, Serving ELLs in K-12 Classrooms, Methods of Teaching ELLs, an ESL Practicum and Student Teaching. A full list of courses can be found on our website.

Not an Iowa educator? Non-Iowa educators will also find these courses as a valuable resource for instructing ELLs in the K-12 classroom as well as an opportunity to earn continuing education credits.

ESL Certificate

Expand ministry opportunities in your church, community, or overseas by taking 15 credits of ESL courses geared towards teaching English language learners (ELLs) of all ages. Study how cultural & linguistic diversity can impact relationships, take an in-depth look at the English language and ESL methods, and receive hands-on teaching practice. Courses include Linguistics for Educators, Second Language Acquisition, Cultural Anthropology, Methods of Teaching ELLs, and a hands-on ESL Practicum.

The deadline to register for the Fall 2019 semester is August 19, 2019. More information can be found on our ESL web page.

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