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Faith Baptist Bible College will be offering a new Sports Management Emphasis and K-12 Coaching Endorsement/Certification, beginning Fall 2020.

The new Sports Management Emphasis can be added to any major at Faith. There are nine credits of core classes required for the emphasis, which include Biology and Sports Performance, Introduction to Sports Management, and Dynamic Team Leadership Theory and Development. Three elective credits are also required for the emphasis for a total of 12 credit hours. Some of those electives include Sports Physiology, Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries, Human Growth and Development, a variety of coaching courses, and more.

The new K-12 Coaching Authorization has a requirement of five credit hours. The required courses, which are all available online, include Foundations of Coaching, Sports Physiology, Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries, and Human Growth and Development.

Registration for fall classes is now open! If you would like more information on adding a Sports Management Emphasis or the K-12 Coaching Endorsement/Authorization, contact Admissions at 888-324-8448, or by email at

You can find a list of required courses for both the Sports Management Emphasis and the K-12 Coaching Endorsement and Authorization here: Sports Management

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