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Seminary Modules

Seminary Modules

Seminary Modules

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May 12 - 16

First Corinthians B-AN 612

B-AN 612 First Corinthians (2 credits) Dr. Hartog
An analytical study of Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians, examining his responses to the various issues raised within the Corinthian context. This course underscores the Greco-Roman milieu of the issues faced in chapters1-11andinvestigates concrete applications to contemporary church life.

Greek Exegesis II (Colossians & Philemon) B-AN 618

B-AN 618 Greek Exegesis II (2 credits) Dr. Douglas Brown
Practice of syntactical diagrammatical analysis with a view toward sermon or lesson preparation. Students translate sections from Colossians, and Philemon. Prerequisite: Greek Grammar II.

Marriage Counseling Problems & Case Studies M-PT 674

M-PT 674 Marriage Counseling Problems and Case Studies (2 credits) Dr. Newman
A study of selected key issues and current problems in marriage counseling from a Biblical counseling perspective. Topics include dating, pre-engagement and premarital counseling, husband and wife roles and relationships, and parenting. Emphasis is placed on the process of premarital and marriage counseling through the use of case studies presented by both the professor and students. Prerequisite: Introduction to Biblical Counseling

Baptist History and Beliefs T-HI 557

T-HI 557 Baptist History and Beliefs (2 credits) Mr. Stearns
A survey of the history of Baptists, including an analysis of the views of Baptist origins in the 16th century, the emergence of Baptists in 17th century England, Baptist growth in the American Colonies, and Baptist history to the present day. This course includes an examination of the historic distinctives of Baptist belief, with special attention given to the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, especially as they differ from the beliefs and practices of other denominations. The course will also highlight the importance of the Baptist name and heritage in the contemporary pluralistic religious context.

May 19- 23

Hebrew Exegesis V B-AN 659

B-AN 659 Hebrew Exegesis V (2 credits) Dr. Little

New Testament Seminar B-RE 612

B-RE 612 New Testament Seminar (3 credits) Dr. Hartog
An overview of the bibliography, lower criticism, history, geography, archaeology, higher criticism, authorship, accuracy, content, and theology of the New Testament.

Introduction to Biblical Exegesis B-RE 641

B-RE 641 Introduction to Biblical Exegesis (3 credits) Dr. Dan Brown
An introduction to the Greek and Hebrew study helps, providing an opportunity to exegete selected passages from both Testaments and to discuss the basic challenges of Bible translation. Previous knowledge of the Biblical languages is not required.

May 26 - 30

Greek Exegesis V (Galatians & Thessalonians) B-AN 621

B-AN 621 Greek Exegesis V (2 credits) Dr. Hartog
A review of Greek grammar and vocabulary, the translation of major portions of the Apostle Paul’s Thessalonian and Galatian correspondence, and intensive work in theological exegesis. The latter focuses on Pauline soteriology, eschatology, and theological ethics. Prerequisite: One year of Greek grammar

The Pastor's Wife M-PT 654

M-PT 654 The Pastor’s Wife (2 credits) Dr. Dan Brown
Recognizing that ministry failure often directly relates to failures in the pastor’s home, this course is designed to help the pastor’s wife prepare for life in the parsonage, as well as understand the significance of her role in supporting her husband’s ministry. This course will be taught by an experienced pastor with assistance from his wife as well as other women with ministry experience.


Dr. Daniel Brown

Director of the D.Min. Program, Director of M.A. in Practical Theology

Dr. Douglas Brown

Seminary Dean

Dr. Paul Hartog

Director of Master of Arts in Religion, Director of M.A. in Theological Studies, Bible, Theology, Humanities

Dr. Tim Little

Director of M.A. in Biblical Studies; Old Testament

Dr. Jeff Newman

Seminary Visiting Professor

Mr. Ernie Schmidt

Mr. Ernie Schmidt

Visiting Professor of Homiletics

Mr. Andy Stearns

Bible and Greek


To register for a module please contact Jeff Bunjer or Jordan Flinck 

Mr. Jeff Bunjer

515.964-0601, ext. 216

Jordan Flinck

Admissions Counselor Seminary Representative
515.964.0601 ext. 224


Date And Time

May 12, 2025 to
May 30, 2025



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