November 3, 2020

By Malachi Williams, Student Writer

Faith’s 2020 Global Reach Conference (formerly known as Missions Conference) began on Monday, October 26, 2020, with an amazing opening service featuring Graham Foran, missionary to Brazil, speaking on “The call to missions.” The Global Reach Conference brings dozens of missionaries each year from various countries to teach and preach the importance of missions.

Throughout the conference, each speaker presented their work from the mission field, and also spoke at workshops about what it’s like to be a missionary, missions trips, women’s ministry, and many other great subjects throughout the week. Each service included beautiful special music presented by the FBBC Music Department. Each of the speakers brought an impactful message encouraging the listeners to obey the will of God, whether that means going to serve on the mission field or being a witness within our cities, states, or countries.

“Our missions are usually burdened in the most uncomfortable places,” stated Joe Humrichous, one of the conference’s general session speakers.

Often, we associate God’s will with discomfort or misery, but a key topic during this conference was the importance of recognizing the joy and peace inside of God’s will. God does not promise that His will is always going to be convenient and comfortable, but He does promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Some of the general session speakers included:

  • Graham Foran – Baptist Mid-Missions – Brazil
  • Jack Mitchell – Gospel Fellowship Association—Medical Missions
  • Joe Humrichous – Bible Prayer Fellowship – Executive Director Midwest

It is so important to consider missions work in your life. Many mission trips were presented and offered during the conference. Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Lounsbrough for their hard work during this conference.

With the Word to the World!”