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Pastor Caleb Bowman (’05, ‘07) and his wife, Amie (Pratt ’05), have remained faithful to the same flock at Calvary Baptist Church in Derby, Kansas, for 11 years as the church’s youth directors.  Lord willing, Pastor Bowman will be there for at least 11 more as he has recently been called to become the church’s next senior pastor, continuing their ministry to the Wichita suburb of 22,000 people.

Pastor Bowman’s long tenure at the same location defeats the odds in today’s rigors of pastoral ministry.  Most of the statistical data on pastors estimates the average time of ministry in one location to be less than ten years.  He will step into the shoes of Pastor Kent Holcomb, who announced his retirement effective in the fall of 2019.  Pastor Holcomb has been the senior pastor at Calvary Baptist for over 40 years.

The Bowmans both graduated from Faith Baptist Bible College in 2005.  They’ve known each other since grade school and dated from seventh grade all the way through college.  They were married on May 21, 2005, and now have three children: Maria (5), Jude (3), and Calvin (1).

During Pastor Bowman’s time at Faith, he gained valuable experience through his ministry at Nevada Baptist Church under Pastor James Reynolds, where he served as a youth leader.

“The classes at Faith are great, but the expectation to use what you were learning by ministering in a local church every week really takes your education to another level,” said Pastor Bowman.

Following his graduation in 2005, Caleb sought advice from several pastors about the necessity of seminary training.

“Every pastor I asked who had attended seminary right after college said it was one of their best decisions,” said Pastor Bowman.  “Every pastor I asked who had not attended seminary right after college said they regretted it and wished they had.  So I decided to go to seminary. To choose Faith Baptist Theological Seminary was a no-brainer to me. The college was so great and the Bible and theology teaching so solid, I figured I might as well stick with the best!”

The Bowmans were called to Calvary Baptist in Derby right out of seminary and have been there ever since—Caleb as Youth Pastor, and Amie as the leader of Sunday preschool ministries and small group leader for middle school girls.

“I’ve been the youth pastor of Calvary Baptist Church since May of 2007,” said Pastor Bowman.  “My main focus of ministry is with the sixth through twelfth grade students. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to become involved in more administrative roles throughout the church as well as seeking to develop more outreach to the community and Biblical soul care within the church.”

In September 2017, Kent Holcomb, the Senior Pastor at Calvary Baptist Church, announced that he would be retiring.  The Bowmans went through the candidate process and were voted as the next pastor last December.

Pastor Bowman makes his prayer life an emphasis to help him and Amie through the ups and downs of ministry.  He’s been reading “A Praying Life,” by Paul Miller, and has made Bible verses about prayer a focus of his daily walk with Christ, giving his worries over to Him.

As the Bowmans transition to a new role in ministry, their focus remains the same, and their prayer request for a new role in ministry exemplifies the image of a Faithful Servant:

“I just hope to be faithful to the Lord as a shepherd for His people here in Derby,” concluded Pastor Bowman.


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