Jeff Wood (’03) and his wife Jennifer (Graber ’03) didn’t have to travel far to take the Word to the World. Their leadership of Lighthouse Campus Fellowship on the campus of Iowa State University is a discipleship-driven ministry that sends world-changers into communities across the nation upon graduation.
When Jeff first arrived on the campus of Faith Baptist Bible College as a freshman, he only intended on staying two years. He had been offered a scholarship to pursue his interest in art from an institute in Omaha but became burdened for young people during his time at Faith. After changing his major to a four-year Biblical Studies degree, he finished and moved on to seminary for more training, graduating from Faith Baptist Theological Seminary in 2005.
Jeff and Jennifer met at Faith as freshmen and formed the foundation of their relationship as friends on a summer ministry team. They married before their senior year and became active members at Campus Baptist Church (now Crossroad Baptist Church) in Ames, serving faithfully in the International Student Ministry program, which fueled their desire to become active in campus ministry long-term.
Currently working a full-time job in the Transportation Department at PDI in Ankeny, Jeff faces the challenge of juggling his time between it, family, and ministry. The Woods have five children: Caleb (12), Isaac (10), Grace (9), Ethan (6), and Jude (2). They are intentional about involving their children in the discipleship of college students, teaching them hospitality and fellowship.
Jeff and Jennifer’s time at Faith played an essential role in their preparation for ministry. “Faith shaped my view of the Bible’s sufficiency,” said Jeff. “God speaks for himself through the Word. This is an important part of a healthy campus ministry. Students need the truth and a clearer vision of how that truth plays out in the real world. Faith helped develop my ability and confidence to read, interpret and share the Bible in such a way.”
Jeff began his ministry with college students in 2012. As the leader of Lighthouse Campus Fellowship, his job is to be an extension of the local church to the Iowa State University community. He works with student leaders to develop discipleship relationships, and he also speaks on Thursdays at their weekly gatherings.
“The college years are a crossroads for many students,” said Jeff. “There is a deep spiritual joy in seeing students commit their lives to following Jesus. Some students follow Jesus for the first time during college. Others have professed Christ prior to college but commit to following Him fully.”
You can pray for the Wood family for strength in juggling full-time work with responsibilities at home and church, for student leaders at Lighthouse Campus Fellowship to have the grace to love in difficult circumstances, and for students who haven’t heard or believed the gospel message yet.