July 23, 2019

Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary welcomes Mrs. Tammy Baldwin as the full-time administrative assistant to Mark Davis in the Admissions Department at Faith. She began her new role on July 1, 2019.

Tammy moved with her husband, Jared, back to the United States this summer from Guam, where they served at Harvest Ministries the last 15 years. Jared is leading the new Organizational Leadership program at Faith this fall. Over the past 17 years in Guam and New Hampshire, Mrs. Baldwin filled roles as pastor’s wife, missions secretary, ladies ministry coordinator, events coordinator, and office assistant in both a church and school setting.

“I am most excited about working each day with some really great people that are seeking to grow in the Lord, as well as the opportunity to see God lead students to Faith, where they can prepare to know and serve Him better in their futures,” said Tammy.