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Sixty-five students from nine states as well as countries in Europe and South America attended Jump Start classes this summer on the campus of Faith Baptist Bible College. 

Jump Start is a summer program designed for rising juniors and seniors and recent high school graduates who desire to earn college credits in a one-week on-campus course. The program began in 2016 and offers students affordable college classes and an on-campus experience. For a mere $250 to $350 students can enroll in a two- or three-credit college course that will fulfill requirements in a degree program at Faith or that will transfer to many other colleges and universities. This minimal fee also covers students’ room and board for the week. 

While coursework fills much of the students’ time during the day, Jump Start is appropriately described as college-meets-camp. Each evening students have opportunities to participate in fun activities on campus with the new friends they are making. They also experience a week of on-campus life, eating in the campus dining hall and living with a roommate in the college dorms. Speaking of the atmosphere we foster during Jump Start, Dr. Keith Kobelia commented, “We spend a lot of time together and, consequently, we have the opportunity to build good relationships throughout the week. The students form friendships that often extend well past the module week. It is a great way to build relationships and to see what living at Faith is really like.”

Students agree. Reflecting on her Jump Start experience this summer, Hadassah Koplin said, “Everything about this Jump Start program solidified my decision to attend Faith, and I couldn’t be happier with the choice I made to attend! The workload during the week (and even after you go back home) is extremely manageable, with lots of free time to enjoy the campus and meet fellow students.” 

This summer the college offered Introduction to Philosophy with Dr. Paul Hartog, Introduction to Literature with Dr. Joshua Boyd, New Testament Survey with Dr. Keith Kobelia, and Creation Apologetics with Carl Kerby and Dr. Juan Valdez from Reasons for Hope. Of note this year was a field trip to the Omaha Zoo that students in the Creation Apologetics course took to prepare for presentations they gave on particular animals. 

Mark your calendars for Jump Start 2024, which will take place June 16-21. Look for more information in the months ahead at or on our social media.

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