Song of Songs for Singles

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Love. Breakup. Pain. Repeat. Love is a fire, and playing with fire gets you burned. While the Bible provides answers to singles’ questions concerning love, marriage, and sex, those answers are found in a book of the Bible that singles are regularly told to avoid. The Song of Solomon, contrary to popular opinion, primarily addresses singles (not married couples), teaching them wisdom so they can love successfully. It teaches that love is a fire, a fire best left unlit until the appropriate time.

King Solomon loved many women whom he thought would bring him peace and pleasure. Instead, his attempts at love brought him pain and misery. He thought he could play with fire, but he got burned. Reflecting on his failures, he wrote his best song, the Song of Songs, to unmarried men and women and taught God’s design for love so they can love successfully. Instead of listing “thou shalt not” commands concerning sex, Solomon shapes the affections of singles so that they want to love God’s way. Song of Songs for Singles helps unmarried people understand and apply the wisdom of Song of Songs, preparing them to find love and less likely to get burned.

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  • ISBN: 978-1-960820-00-6
  • Page count: 280 pages
  • Size: 6 in. x 9 in.
  • Weight: 12 oz.
  • Format: Paperback
  • Case quantity: 44
  • Publication Date: July 8, 2023

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TIMOTHY A. LITTLE (PhD, Baptist Bible Seminary) is Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Baptist Theological Seminary in Ankeny, IA. He has authored one other book and several articles. He regularly speaks, leads Bible studies, and writes on the Song of Songs. He is also a cohost on The Thinklings Podcast.

ANGELA M. LITTLE (BS, Faith Baptist Bible College) is a wife, homemaker, and mother. She serves alongside her husband in their local church and assists him with his ministry at Faith Baptist Bible College, which includes speaking and leading Bible studies on the Song of Songs.


Many books about the Song of Songs approach its message too broadly, ultimately proving to be unhelpful or resulting in confusion. Song of Songs for Singles, however, leads the reader to view the Song of Songs through the lens of seeing God’s design for the daughters of Jerusalem. God’s gentle provision and care give hope to the next generation of believers who walk in the way of the Lord.
In a broken world, this book shines brightly as it plainly speaks of sex and intimacy as God intended. Tim and Angela tastefully encourage the older generation to invest in the younger, shaping their minds and affections in accordance with God’s Word. With courage and wit, the authors address the dangerous perspectives of sex in our day, and they call the believer to find hope, identity, beauty, and life in Christ alone.
—Sam Choi
Pastor, Prior Lake Baptist Church, Prior Lake, Minnesota
An ancient Jewish sage claimed, “No one under the age of 30 should read the Song of Songs.” Gratefully, Tim and Angela do not follow his poor advice. The reason they do not follow this unwise counsel is because they recognize what is often missed—that the wisdom of the Song of Songs is not only written to married couples who are encouraged to enjoy marriage intimacy now but also to singles who can look forward to experiencing intimacy within their marriage. Tim and Angela provide a desperately needed resource for believing singles in today’s Christian world. As a single follower of Jesus, if you want to learn to navigate sexuality wisely, this book is a good starting place.
—Mark McGinniss
Assistant Seminary Dean,
Professor of Old Testament Literature, Language and Exegesis,
Baptist Bible Seminary, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania
Sex is a topic many talk about but rarely from a biblical perspective. Tim and Angela address issues many singles wonder about and discuss but from a thoroughly biblical worldview. I have often thought that if the church does not teach the next generation about sex, young people will look for answers from somewhere else. Song of Songs for Singles will be a tremendous help and encouragement to all who read it. By walking the reader through the Song of Solomon and making practical application of it, Tim and Angela help equip the next generation to glorify God through their relationships.
—Dr. Jim Tillotson
President, Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary
Judaism and Christianity have been guilty of misconstruing the Song of Songs for centuries. By forbidding it from being read until an appropriate age or mystifying and spiritualizing its message, scholars have left Bible readers wondering how the book applies to the believer’s life. Rooted in sound exegesis, Song of Songs for Singles unpacks the Song of Songs in a sound and practical manner. In a day and age when so many Christians lack biblical knowledge and wisdom regarding sex and intimacy, this book provides guidance that is both desperately needed and extremely helpful.
—Dr. Patrick Odle
President, Baptist Mid-Missions


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