During each module you will earn college credit, while benefiting from in-person teaching by Dr. Juan Valdes and Mr. Carl Kerby from Reasons for Hope.
Classes take place for one week, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday through Friday on the  campus of Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny.

Course Descriptions


Summer Module May 13-17, 2024
T-SY 306 Cultural Apologetics Credits: 3
Course Description: This course addresses some of the most dangerous cultural movements today that keep people from embracing Christianity. The course has two primary emphases. First, equipping the student to respond biblically and persuasively to the claims of Critical Race Theory, BLM, Gender Identity, and other LBGTQ+ issues, the Pro-Choice movement, and other belief systems that present themselves as obstacles to the Gospel. Second, helping the student gain confidence in the truth and relevance of the Gospel in the midst of tremendous cultural confusion. The course engages the student both theoretically and practically, combining
lectures and practical applications of their cultural apologetics.



Summer Module May 20-24, 2024
T-SY 307 Apologetic & Evangelism (3) Credits Course Description: This course focuses on different apologetic approaches to evangelism to equip the student for Gospel conversations with unbelievers. Emphasis is placed on developing biblical answers to the challenging questions of atheists, skeptics, agnostics, and believers of other worldviews. In addition, students explore strategies
such as Conversational Evangelism, Tactics, Informal Surveys, and general conversation starting tips to facilitate engagement with friends and strangers alike. The course engages the student both theoretically and practically,
combining lectures and practical applications.




FBBC Apologetics Emphasis
These May Modules fulfill two of the five courses required for the new Apologetics Emphasis at Faith Baptist Bible College.

Don’t miss this transformative opportunity! Strengthen your foundation, engage with
like-minded individuals, and become a beacon of truth in today’s world.

Register now and secure your spot in this enriching journey towards apologetic clarity.


For more information about reasons for hope @ Faith, contact Guest Relations at: