Meet the faculty that serve at Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary.
Amanda Szuch
Music Education
- Email: szucha@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Andy Stearns
Bible and Greek
- Email: stearnsa@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Brandon Fritz
- Email: fritzb@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Brenda Thomas
English Composition II
- Email: Thomasb@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Brenna Capon
- Email: caponb@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Brian Fincham
Physical Education
- Email: finchamb@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Charlie Carter
Local Church Discipleship Ministries, Christian Camp
- Email: carterc@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Daniel Capon
Local Church Discipleship Ministries
- Email: capond@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
David Horner
Secondary English Education
- Email: hornerd@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Dr. Alan Cole
Chair, Division of Bible and Theology
- Email: colea@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Dr. Charles Ellis
World Missions
- Email: ellisce@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Dr. Christopher Ellis
Chair, Music Department
- Email: ellisc@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Dr. Daniel Brown
Director of the D.Min. Program; Director of M.A. in Practical Theology
- Email: browndr@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Dr. Dean Taylor
Chair, Division of Christian Ministries; Chair, Pastoral Studies Department
- Email: taylord@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Dr. Dennis Wilkening
Biblical Counseling
- Email: wilkeningd@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Dr. Douglas Brown
Seminary Dean; Director of Master of Divinity Program
- Email: brownd@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Dr. Jeff Newman
Seminary Visiting Professor
- Email: newmanj@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Dr. Joshua Boyd
Chair, Division of General Education
- Email: boydj@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Dr. Juan Valdes
D.Min in Apologetics; Bilingual Apologist & Writer with Reasons for Hope*
- Email: info@rforh.com
- Call: 515.964.0601
Dr. Keith Kobelia
Chair, Biblical Studies Program
- Email: kobeliak@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Dr. Ken Rathbun
Vice President for Academic Services; College Dean; Acting Chair, Local Church Discipleship Ministries Program; History Education
- Email: rathbunk@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Dr. Lynn McCool
Director of Digital Education, Communications
- Email: mccooll@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Dr. Mark Lounsbrough
Chair, World Missions Department
- Email: lounsbroughm@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Dr. Mark Stupka
Chair, Teacher Education Department
- Email: stupkam@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Dr. Nathan Oppman
History Education
- Email: oppmann@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Dr. Paul Hartog
Director of Master of Arts in Religion; Director of M.A. in Theological Studies; Bible, Theology, Humanities
- Email: hartogp@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Dr. Tim Little
Director of M.A. in Biblical Studies; Old Testament
- Email: littlet@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Faith Earnest
Teacher Education
- Email: earnestf@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Faith Taylor
Women's Ministries, Title IX Coordinator
- Email: taylorf@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601 ext: 262
James Hunter
- Email: hunterj@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Jan Wooster
Teacher Education
- Email: woosterj@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Jennifer Tylavsky
Music Education
- Email: tylavskyj@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Jim Goodwin
- Email: goodwinj@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Joaquin Peña
Dean of Students
- Email: penaj@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Karis Cole
Chair, Office Administration Program
- Email: colek@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Katie Barron
- Email: barronk@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Lisa Glazier
- Email: glazierl@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Mark Felderman
Organizational Leadership, Alumni Coordinator
- Email: feldermanm@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601 ext: 232
Melissa Whitcher
Teacher Education
- Email: whitcherm@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Mike Thomas, M.M
Chair, Organizational Leadership Program
- Email: Thomasm@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Mr. Brian Trainer
Chair, World Missions Department
- Email: Trainerb@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Mr. Carl Kerby
President and Founder of Reasons for Hope*; International Speaker
- Email: info@rforh.com
- Call: 515.964.0601
Nancy Cole
Study Skills
- Email: colen@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601 ext: 281
Rachel Grotzke
- Email: grotzker@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Sarah Swedberg
Teacher Education - Art
- Email: swedbergs@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Sherri Nicholson
- Email: nicholsons@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Stephanie Brahs
Early Childhood Education
- Email: brahss@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Tami Herron
Women's Ministry
- Email: herront@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601
Zachary Barron
Sports Management
- Email: barronz@faith.edu
- Call: 515.964.0601