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Faith Baptist Theological Seminary is excited to welcome Answers in Genesis speaker and author, Dr. Terry Mortenson, for a weeklong event, January 6-10, 2020.

Dr. Mortenson will be the featured speaker for a one-week module at Faith Baptist Theological Seminary, January 6-10, from 1:00 p.m to 6:00 p.m. This course is available for graduate-level credit and for class audit. Dr. Mortenson will lead a curriculum titled, Genesis: Developing and Implementing a Biblical Worldview and will discuss what a worldview is and why Genesis is important. Biology, The Flood, the age of the earth, and dinosaurs will all be topics during this fascinating and educational week of study.

Area churches can join Dr. Mortenson from 6:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. at Faith for Family Apologetics Night on Wednesday, January 8, in the Nettleton Center. This is a free event. Why are so many Christians compromising the truths of creation? Evolution versus creation will be the theme of the night, and will be beneficial for kids and adults alike. If you want to strengthen your faith or bring a non-believer, this is a great event to learn foundational Biblical truths.

For more information on these two events with Answers in Genesis author and speaker, Dr. Terry Mortenson, visit the events page at


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