Pre-Conference Workshops



Session Title

Tuesday, February 1

2:00 p.m.

Mr. David Levy

Why Don’t Unbelievers Understand the Gospel?

2:00 p.m.

Mrs. Faith Taylor

Discipleship: Helping It Happen

General Sessions



Session Title

Tuesday, February 1

6:30 p.m.

Dr. Tim Sigler

Thinking Big About God's Global Gospel (Romans 1:1-7)

Wednesday, February 2

9:00 a.m.

Pastor Tim Potter

The Glorious Agony of Gospel Progress (2 Corinthians 2:12-17)

10:20 a.m.

Dr. Paul Hartog

Disciples: Restored and Commissioned, but Not Compared (John 21:15-25)

6:30 p.m.

Dr. Marty Herron

Seed for sowing: A Fresh Look at the Word to the World. (Psalm 126)

Thursday, February 3

9:00 a.m.

Dr. Dennis Wilkening

Creating a Culture of Evangelism

10:20 a.m.

Dr. Jason Ormiston

Serving the Least of These (Matthew 9:35-10:5)

6:30 p.m.

Dr. Lukus Counterman

The Gospel is Grounded in God (Isaiah 6:1-13)

Friday, February 4

9:00 a.m.

Dr. Douglas Brown

Training the Next Generation for Christ (2 Timothy 2:1-2)

10:20 a.m.

Dr. Jim Tillotson

A Lesson on Evangelism (John 4:4-42)

Workshop Sessions


Session Title


Wednesday, February 2
11:45 a.m.

Pastor Jason Blunk

Discipleship: TheHeartbeat of Youth Ministry

“Is discipleship the heartbeat of local church youth ministry? What should this even look like?" This workshop explores the ins and outs of youth discipleship as well as the challenges God’s church faces in today’s teenage culture. More than ever the church must root all relational student ministry to the gospel of Christ in order to develop young people who genuinely know and love God.

Wednesday, February 2
11:45 a.m.

Pastor Chuck DeCleene

A Practical Approach to the Great Commission 

Many churches are following a faulty understanding of the Great Commission. They believe they comprehend the scope of making disciples but totally ignore the participle “go.” End Result: an inner focus that actually leads to the death of the local church.

Wednesday, February 2
11:45 a.m.

Dr. Betsy Love

Exploring Resources for Biblical Counseling

The goal of this workshop is to assist women who have formal or informal counseling opportunities in their church, work, or daily lives in digging in deeper in their counseling. We will look at the importance of solid Biblical counseling and will explore some available resources to help you help the women God has brought into your life.

Wednesday, February 2
11:45 a.m.

Dr. Les Ollila

Faith Leading in a Fallen World

This session will examine how a Christian can live his Biblical apologetic in a world going at a breakneck speed away from absolute truth. Noah‘s life modeled how we can put the world in the wrong and show our God as the Mighty One.

Wednesday, February 2
11:45 a.m.

Pastor Tim Potter

The Hurdles of Disciple-Making

Overcoming current and future pitfalls in developing a disciple-making culture.

Wednesday, February 2
2:15 p.m.

Dr. Paul Hartog

Ethical Formation in John’s Writings: Discipleship by Exemplar

Some think of “discipleship” as the transference of information from a mentor to a student. But a robust understanding of New Testament discipleship encompasses transformation (ethics) as well as information (doctrine). Moral formation is often “caught” rather than “taught,” and personal examples to follow are as pertinent as propositional rules to learn. Such conceptualization is manifest in the Gospel and Epistles of John, which include only a few imperatives (commands) but are full of other means of moral formation. While scholars of the past have downplayed the role of ethics in the Johannine literature, a neglected mode of ethics is actually ubiquitous in the corpus: an ethics of example. Although academic in tenor, this Refresh Conference session will end with concrete applications for the life of the church and a discipleship of moral development.

Wednesday, February 2
2:15 p.m.

Mrs. Tami Herron

Oh Lord I want to be a witness but…..

Jesus told us in Acts 1:8 that we are to be His witnesses. In our brief time together, we will look at what it is to be a witness and see others through the eyes of Jesus. We will share practical suggestions and experiences of ways to reach and care for others with the gospel.

Wednesday, February 2
2:15 p.m.

Mr. Joe Humrichous

The 7 Stewardships of Revival (1 Cor. 4:1-2)

Where does revival begin?  How can revival continue in a local church as a way of life? What role does discipleship have in true revival? What makes a church become an evangelistic church? What role does prayer play? How can we allow Christ to build His church and still maintain responsible leadership? This workshop will address these important questions.

Wednesday, February 2
2:15 p.m.

Mr. Mark Lounsbrough

The Heavenlies: Blessed Battlefield

Spiritual warfare is for real! Some have sensationalized it while others have all but dismissed it. We will begin in the Garden of Eden where the blessing of God was lost at the fall and then arrive in the heavenlies in Ephesians where His blessing is restored. We will look into the nature and strategy of Satan's opposition and gaze upon the magnificence of Christ's victory over His arch-enemy, a victory that makes us "more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

Wednesday, February 2
2:15 p.m.

Pastor Tim Potter

The Shared Burden of Disciple-Making

Be ready for natural (supernatural) adjustments to your job description.

Wednesday, February 2
2:15 p.m.

Dr. Tim Sigler

Spending Time with God

There’s nothing more refreshing than spending time with God . . . and that is exactly what He commanded Israel to do through seven appointed times on His annual calendar found in Leviticus 23. Remembering the past, looking forward to the future, feasting, sharing, and gathering with the community were all a part of Israel’s prescribed worship. Believers today can find similar refreshment through an appreciation of Israel’s appointed times as we spend time together with God and His Word.

Thursday, February 3
11:45 a.m.

Mr. Tim Capon

John Studies

"What do I do next?" That is a question many have asked as they build relationships with unsaved people. This four-week, personal evangelistic Bible study in the Gospel of John has proven to be an answer to that question. I trust that as we discuss the benefits of this study and offer suggestions as to how to use it, you will find this study to be an answer to that question.

Thursday, February 3
11:45 a.m.

Mrs. Alne Hartog

A Life of Discipleship Is a Life of Impact: Tabitha/Dorcas

How do we know that we are leaving an impact on others? We'll take a look at the life of Dorcas/Tabitha and note the characteristics of her discipleship influence. By "keeping tabs with Tabitha," we'll learn the traits of an impactful life!

Thursday, February 3
11:45 a.m.

Greg Monette

Write Better Sermons and School Papers using Better Tools

This workshop will give an introduction to the newest version of Logos Bible Software (version 9). The most helpful features for doing Bible study, School papers, sermon preparation, and Christian counseling will be unpacked. Explore how Logos is helping thousands of pastors to write better sermons in less time, and how students can crush their papers. An exclusive conference only discount will be provided for both first time buyers and those wishing to upgrade.

Thursday, February 3
11:45 a.m.

Mr. Andy Stearns

Christian Contentment

Many today find themselves looking for something. A better job. A nicer home. A happier family. And yet when the better job is landed, the nicer home is bought, or the family seems happier, something is still missing. And what is missing can't be found externally in jobs, homes, or people. This workshop will walk through the Bible's teaching on the topic of contentment and will tour historic and recent books on the topic.

Thursday, February 3
11:45 a.m.

Dr. Dean Taylor

Is Self-Care Selfish? Stewarding Your Personal Life for Long-Term Ministry

Self-care sounds like man-centered psychobabble. It seems to contradict biblical concepts of self-denial and self-sacrifice. Why would a ministry-minded Christian pay special attention to himself? Before we decide self-care belongs on the trash pile of worldly philosophies, let’s learn what it is, then see if any part aligns with Scripture. Perhaps common grace has made mankind instinctively conscious of a healthy practice that pastors should consider.

Thursday, February 3
11:45 a.m.

Dr. Dennis Wilkening

Connecting the Local Church to the Local Community 

I have been asking this question to our church for the past 9 years: "How would our town be different if our church did not exist?" This session is designed for interaction and idea sharing for how to be integrally connected to our local communities. Come find and share ideas of what pastors and their churches are doing to spread the Gospel and impact their communities for Christ.

Thursday, February 3
2:15 p.m.

Dr. Douglas Brown

Should We Transform Society or Convert Sinners? Social Justice, the Gospel, and the Mission of the Church

The evangelical church is confused and divided on social justice issues and the mission of the church. This workshop explores the historical and theological roots of social justice within fundamentalism and evangelicalism, explains the current landscape within evangelicalism, and provides the key theological factors to navigate social justice issues and the church's mission.

Thursday, February 3
2:15 p.m.

Dr. Lukus Counterman

Depression, Anxiety, and the Gospel

In our COVID-19 environment, more people than ever are experiencing struggles with anxiety, stress, and depression. A recent survey by Qualtrics and Mind Share Partners concluded that 42% of individuals surveyed reported a decline in their mental health during the pandemic. So, how does the gospel intersect with these difficulties? How does the good news help those who struggle with depreciated mental health? In this session, we will explore causes of anxiety and depression, biblical coping strategies, and practical comfort from the gospel. 

Thursday, February 3
2:15 p.m.

Mr. Noah Kephart

The Discipleship Emphasis of J.C. Ryle's Life and Ministry

J.C. Ryle is most commonly known for his writings, specifically his "Expository Thoughts on the Gospels" and his book "Holiness." This workshop will summarize Ryle's life and ministry, with special attention given to his emphasis on discipleship and the ministry preparation of others. 

Thursday, February 3
2:15 p.m.

Dr. Jason Ormiston

Raising Up Pastors from Within Your Congregation

Churches across the United States are in desperate need of pastors to help shepherd their congregations. Come learn how your church can identify, train, and ordain leaders from within your congregation.  

Thursday, February 3
2:15 p.m.

Mrs. Faith Taylor

Enduring Ministry Hardship

You invest in the people, but they don’t grow; you help make plans, but they don’t come; you love on them, but they criticize in return; you give and you give, but they walk away. How can you keep going in ministry when it’s hard and when it hurts? Find help and hope in the lessons of Paul to his beloved son, Timothy.

Thursday, February 3
2:15 p.m.

Dr. Matt Williams

Focus on Winning in Life 

How to help good church going people become godly servants! Four needs of hurting people given and how to meet those needs! Free new resource book given to all attending!