Student Grievance and Complaint Policies
A complaint or grievance procedure is available if you feel an FBBC policy or practice is improper, or unfair, results in an unsatisfactory learning environment, or there has been a deviation from, misinterpretation of, or a misapplication of a practice or policy
The objective of the following policy is to resolve concerns as quickly and efficiently as possible at the level closest to the student. Every effort should be taken to solve the problem by the student communicating personally with the appropriate professor, staff member, or administrator. The following process should be initiated when resolving a grievance with faculty, staff, or students:
- In light of Matthew 18, the first approach students should take is to resolve the issue informally followed by steps of reconciliation up the chain of command (Deepen Group Leaders, RA’s, Deans, etc.).
- A detailed written and signed letter should be submitted to the Student Life Department, which will present the complaint to the appropriate Vice President to follow up with those involved in the departments that answer to him. That Vice President will be responsible for providing a written record of the complaint’s resolution to the Dean of Students.
- If the student is not satisfied with the department’s resolution, then an appeal may be made to the President.
- The final result of the complaint should be accepted by all parties with gratitude and with a humble spirit
The College will record and act upon formal student complaints and grievances in the Student Life Department. Students may find instructions regarding due process in the Student Handbook. When a concern is not resolved at an informal level, the student may file a formal complaint in the Student Life Department.
The College will record and act upon formal student complaints and grievances in the Student Life Department. Students may find instructions regarding due process in the Student Handbook. When a concern is not resolved at an informal level, the student may file a formal complaint in the Student Life Department.
The Dean of Students will take that complaint to the appropriate Vice President for further action. The Vice President will review the complaint and meet with the student to discuss the issue in an attempt to resolve the concern. If the student is not satisfied with the resolution, the student may appeal to the President. The President will review the complaint and work with the student and the appropriate Vice President to resolve it. Once a final decision has been reached, a written summary of the school’s response will be given to the Student Life Department to be filed with the original complaint.
For more information on the process to resolve a policy compliance complaint, see the student handbook found on the Student Life web page or contact Student Life directly by emailing or ph. 515-422-5651.
If a student is not able to resolve a grievance complaint internally through the process outlined above, then, the student may contact the Iowa Department of Education Bureau of College Aid at higher-ed/student-complaints to submit a formal complaint